saratoga tea and honey co mug and stainless steel infuser bundle on a mabrle and white background
saratoga tea and honey co mug and stainless steel infuser bundle on a mabrle and white background
saratoga tea and honey co mug and stainless steel infuser bundle on a mabrle and white background
saratoga tea and honey co mug and stainless steel infuser bundle on a mabrle and white background
saratoga tea and honey co mug and stainless steel infuser bundle on a mabrle and white background
saratoga tea and honey co mug and stainless steel infuser bundle on a mabrle and white background
saratoga tea and honey co mug and stainless steel infuser bundle on a mabrle and white background

Mug + Infuser Bundle

$ 48.00 $ 52.00

Mug + Infuser Bundle

Recommended Teas

Western Teaware is wonderfully versatile and suitable for brewing all types of tea. But that said, we wanted to share...

view of white Saratoga Tea & Honey Co. bags of loose leaf tea on a shelf at the flagship store

How to Brew

Learn how to brew and serve a Western-style tea service with Hayley