Warm Chai Apple Cider

Warm Chai Apple Cider

Tis' the season for a warming cup of spiced cider! This chai tea drink is a satisfying play on mulled cider and a wonderful way to greet friends for evenings around the fire pit. The cozy spices and tangy sweetness of the apple cider make this drink the ideal companion for fall evenings, both inside and out. 

We love this combination of our traditional Masala Chai, seasonal Pumpkin Spice Honey, and local apple cider to make an easy sweet and spicy mulled cider that everyone will think took you hours. Add a splash or two of Bourbon for an extra-special adult beverage, or serve with a cinnamon stick and lemon wedge for a fancy, kid-friendly treat.

How to Make Mulled Cider with Chai Tea


1 half gallon of local apple cider

Optional:  Pumpkin Spice Honey, Mulling Spices (roughly 2 T) or Bourbon to taste!

To Brew Chai Tea Mulled Cider: 

1. Pour the entire half gallon of apple cider into a large pot, and turn the heat to medium/high.
2. Bring to a low boil, add the chai, stir well, and reduce the heat.
3. Cover, and simmer for about 10 minutes.
4. Remove the pot from heat.
5. Using a heat friendly measuring cup, pour (and strain with a small strainer, cheesecloth, or coffee filter) into desired cup/mug.  
6. Enjoy!